Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Finding the Water Tower in South Dakota

I play another game as a cure for sleeplessness affectionately called "Finding the Water Tower in South Dakota", and it is pretty self-explanatory.  It worked like a charm for my husband who was looking over my shoulder.

I was inspired by the story of Millicent Atkins and how she recently gave 37 million dollars to two universities and her Congregational Church.  She was incredibly frugal and knew how to work a farm. I thought I'd probably find a water tower in her home town of Aberdeen, South Dakota.

And here it is, a spic and span water tower in Aberdeen.  Something very tidy about the whole town.

I moved south to Huron.  Following the County Road, finding the railroad and these lovely grain elevators:

Aah, there it is, just to the left of the railroad tracks:

Finally, you've arrived at your destination.


Sean Bentley said...

Glad you finally found it, I was worried for a minute. ;-)

RobinB said...

I always find my water tower!